Lokesh Adtecs Ltd.
Tamil Nadu, India

wholesale SDB-005

wholesale SDB-005 supplier India, manufacturer. Best wholesale SDB-005 price in India. Exporter of wholesale SDB-005 to USA, Africa, Australia, Europe, UAE, Russia, Japan. Wholesale wholesale SDB-005 India.

SDB-005 is a new chemical compound that is an indazole analog of PB-22. The chemical formula is C23H22N2O2. The IUPAC name is naphthalen-?1-?yl 1-?pentyl-?1H-?indazole-?3-?carboxylate and it has a molecular mass of 358.400. Research on similar compound was conducted by ACD/Labs’ and ChemAxon. Properties that were predicted by ACD/Labs showed 4 #H bond acceptors, 7...

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