3-CMC Crystal
Lokesh Adtecs Ltd.
Tamil Nadu, India

Bulk 3-CMC Crystal

Bulk 3-CMC Crystal supplier India, manufacturer. Best Bulk 3-CMC Crystal price in India. Exporter of Bulk 3-CMC Crystal to USA, Africa, Australia, Europe, UAE, Russia, Japan. Wholesale Bulk 3-CMC Crystal India.

3-CMC Crystal is a novel research chemical sometimes called as Chloredrone or Chlorinedrone. It is a 3-chlor derivative of 3-mmc. Some researchers find it very close to Mephedrone and 3-MMC. Molecular weight of 3-CMC is 197.66 and exact weight 197.06. IUPAC name of this chem is 1-(3-chlorophenyl)-2-(methylamino)propan-1-one. The appearance of this 3-CMC is big...

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